McHugh Energy Consultants Inc



Clients who want to make a difference in energy consumption come to McHugh Energy. We offer services to transform the energy consumption of individual buildings to the energy consumption of states or even nations. We have offered services at all levels of intervention with most efforts being focused at the state or national level. McHugh Energy is a small company with large ambitions, as a result we partner with industry-recognized experts to deliver well-documented, technically sound solutions. McHugh Energy offers consulting services in these areas:

Energy policy

The current environmental crisis requires a concerted effort from all levels of government and industry. McHugh Energy Consultants are able to provide energy policy advice and develop an energy savings plan based on our breadth of knowledge of energy efficiency options matched with in-depth understanding of the technical basis of these opportunities.

Energy program design

Connecting the dots between market trends, technology improvements and code developments just over the horizon, can make the difference between a marketing morass and a market transformation . Whether you are updating an existing efficiency program or developing a new one, having the latest technology and market information is critical. We can help you identify the barriers to greater energy savings and a logical plan for overcoming those barriers. MEC can help develop and energy savings methodology or deemed savings approach and a plan for measuring savings.

Building codes and appliance regulations

McHugh Energy Consultants are experienced at taking energy efficiency measures through the energy code process to code adoption. This includes technology and market research, assembling a stakeholder group and presenting the proposal, responding to objections and judiciously modifying the proposal to maintain energy savings while developing stakeholder consensus. We are participating in efficiency standards development at the state and national level.

Technology briefs and energy publications

Clearly written technical publications can be a vehicle for disseminating an energy efficiency measure to a broad range of people. MEC provides technical writing backed by technical expertise. Topics have included: daylighting, lighting, photocontrols, gas appliances, air conditioner standards, and energy codes.

 Energy software development

We have developed algorithms for use in eQUEST and EnergyPro building simulation software. Some of these algorithms are documented in the Alternative Compliance Method (ACM) manual in support of the California Title 24 energy code. We have also developed software for domestic water heating, daylighting, and skylighting. Programming has been in FORTRAN, visual basic for Excel and MATLAB.

Technology monitoring and evaluation

Fifteen years ago we began spot monitoring of lighting and air conditioning systems and evaluating the results. This tool is extremely valuable for understanding how systems really work and quantifying their actual energy savings.

Building simulation

“The purpose of computation is numbers; the purpose of analysis is insight.” 

We have a detailed understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of various building simulation tools. We have strategic partnerships with energy simulation companies for large simulation projects. We manage simulation projects to assure the simulation matches the question and we provide an interpretation of the results.

Presentations and training

We present the results of energy research to national organizations such as: ASHRAE, IESNA, NFRC, ACEEE and others. We present energy code proposals to the California Energy Commission, the ASHRAE Standards Committee, the International Code Council and US Department of Energy. We deliver efficiency training programs at utility training centers. The training programs are tailored to the audience, are interactive and in sometimes include hands-on training.

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